Idea, research & consultant: Günther Rabl
Organization and artistic direction: Matthias Makowsky, Christian Tschinkel
Technical management: Wolfgang Musil
Automation and routing: Daniel Lercher, Richard Bruzek
Network technology: Georg Danczul
Web design: Andreas Eberharter |

Günther Rabl
(* 1953, Linz)
Founder and incorporator of Temple of Sound. Composer and software developer; self-taught double bass player; participation in improvisation and jazz ensembles (e.g. with Friedrich Gulda and Ursula Anders); concerts and tours in Austria, Germany, France, Poland); since 1980 turning to tape composition and computer music; numerous works performed at international concerts and festivals; since 1983 development of software for sound processing and composition; Initiator and organizer of the festival Absolute Musik (1988–96 in Allentsteig and Linz); 2000 foundation of the label canto crudo; publication of his works as well as rarities from the archive and current electroacoustic works from all over the world; 2010 foundation of the Electric Orpheus Academy; organization of workshops, concerts and festivals.

Matthias Makowsky (* 1978, Vienna)
Freelance artist, musician, composer, organizer, curator, projects in the fields of visual arts, concert, performance, multimedia, installation; studied computer music and electronic media at the MDW; courses in design, architecture and environment at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna; activities in the field of sound research and sound projection at MAK Nite, Tangible Audible Design, The Acousmatic Project, Vienna Noise Orchestra. Collaboration with artists and ensembles, sound and light direction for theater events; idea, organization and production of MOTA – Museum On Tour (Wir sind Wien-Festival, Biennale di Venezia), Parkfair.

Wolfgang Musil (* 1958, Linz)
technical education, then studies in electroacoustic music with Dieter Kaufmann in Vienna. Has been teaching at the Institute for Composition and Electroacoustics at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna since 1985; tape compositions, performances, sound installations as well as theater music, literary settings with Christian Loidl and music for radio plays; collaboration, sound direction, realization, live electronics with composers such as Peter Ablinger, Bernhard Lang, Wolfgang Suppan, Michael Moser.

Christian Tschinkel (* 1973, Leoben)
Composer and sound projectionist of acousmatic music; studies in psychology and musicology at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz as well as in electroacoustic music at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna; courses and workshops in the field of sound engineering, sound direction, music therapy, film music, etc.; former employee at Universal Edition; lecturer of repertoire and theory of electroacoustic music at MDW; numerous music productions and publications of theoretical writings on pop production and musique acousmatique with a focus on auditory perception (World Scientifc, Transcript, Athena, Edition FZA a. o.).

Richard Bruzek (* 1973, Wien)
An all-round artist in the field of music, light, video, sound engineering and stage construction. He participates in numerous theater productions, films, concerts, performances and festivals in Vienna and Lower Austria. His approach to music is basically intuitive-improvisational, his musical pieces mostly ephemeral, a work in progress.

Daniel Lercher (* 1983, Judenburg, Styria)
The musician/composer Daniel Lercher is one of the busiest live electronic musicians on the international improvisation scene. His concerts and tours have taken him to Scandinavia, Iceland, South America, India and Australia. He likes to work in small formations with other musicians (Henrik Nørstebø, Agnes Hvizdalek, Katharina Klement, Peter Kutin, etc.), occasionally with dance (Tara Silverthorn, Asher O’Gorman, etc.) In his electro-acoustic compositions, which have been released on several vinyl records and CDs, he often uses field recordings or material that is used specifically for sound and analysis.

Georg Danczul (* 1958, Steyr)
Parallel to his employment, technical collaboration on various music projects, e.g. by Dieter Feichtner, Günther Rabl and at Linzer Klangwolke (member of the network and security team); maintenance and conversion work on studio equipment, computer and network technology; development of a ring modulator, frequency shifter and various effect devices as well as a network for analog synthesizers; coordination for company expansion and networking, training planning, Cisco VoIP and Webex, contact person for providers, team management, network and security.

Andreas Eberharter (* 1979, Vienna)
since 2008 Managing Director of the agency in Porto, Portugal; Master’s degree in Cross-Media Art; Master class of Prof. Brigitte Kowanz, University of Applied Arts in Vienna; Master of Business Administration for Entrepreneurs MBA, Porto Business School, University of Porto, Portugal; Siemens AG Austria, Corporate Communication Communication Services (CCCS); responsible for the support and programming of Siemens websites; Seven Film- and Postproduction company in Vienna, Austria; animation artist, TV spots.